Beautiful Savior began as a desire to help senior citizens who expressed the need for supervised living. It remained the idea of a few dedicated men and women for the next 27 years. It was a goal that seemed to fill an ever-growing need.
Dozens of men and women dedicated their time, energies, and abilities, over the span of a quarter century, to the raising of funds for the development of Beautiful Savior. Through the love, sweat, and prayers of hundreds, through rummage sales, bake sales, quilting projects, estate sales, and luncheons the dream became a reality.
April 2, 1978, Beautiful Savior opened with its first 60 beds seven years later, another wing was built, adding 60 additional beds. In 1989 a Senior Apartment Center was constructed. Our current size is the culmination of three phases of building. Today, Beautiful Savior is a not-for-profit that offers the community a 126-bed Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and a 55-bed Assisted Living Center.
Throughout our history, Beautiful Savior has enjoyed the guiding hands of Christian men and women and has been blessed to have staff members that have been with the facility in excess of 15 to 20 years or more. We believe this to be a key ingredient to providing consistent, quality care.
With the blessing of our Savior and the dedication of so many individuals and organizations, we believe Beautiful Savior and Assisted Living will continue to provide quality care and a nurturing environment to senior citizens of our community for many more years to come.